Ecommerce tally integration

Businesses have moved from Brick and Mortar to eCommerce. Online stores like Amazon and Flipkart has changed the manner in which individuals purchase items. The organizations in India have enrolled with these sites and sells their items online to contact more extensive crowd. Every one of this site in the wake of executing sends information in exceed expectations configurations to the organizations and they reemerge the vouchers into Tally.

With Rapidinfoloix Tally Integration instrument, you will most likely make deals receipt, charge notes, credit notes, receipts from the exchange exceed expectations document downloaded from Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal and so forth into Tally.ERP 9. The integration instrument has been useful to decrease around 15 man long stretches of work each month and at times more. Features

Stay away from Duplication of Work

Diminish Errors and keep up Data Integrity

Spare Time and increment Productivity


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